Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Easy, Fast, & Inexpensive to Get a Divorce - Uncontested Divorce

Divorce does not need to be the big, long, drawn out battles that are often portrayed as being the norm. There is a way to end your marriage quietly and still keep your dignity and your money. It's called uncontested divorce. While it may not work for everyone, it is probably the best way for several reasons.

The low cost of an uncontested divorce is a great advantage. This leaves your money free to live on after the divorce or to use in raising your children. An uncontested divorce also keeps the level of conflict low and any negotiations private.

If all you're interested in doing is raking your spouse over the coals and milking him for every penny he's worth, then an uncontested divorce is probably not for you. Also in cases where domestic violence has played a role in the ending of the marriage, negotiating reasonably is usually not possible.

Once you've decided whether an uncontested divorce is the best option for you, then one of the spouses should find a lawyer. You cannot ethically have the same one, but you both do not have to have a lawyer. Typically, the one with the most needs should be represented. The one who is being represented will need to meet with his/her lawyer to discuss what the key issues involved in the divorce are and what options are available. Once the documents are prepared, they are then shared with the spouse and negotiations are made. Any changes must be agreed upon by both parties. The faster agreements are reached the quicker the divorce can take place. Once any changes have been finalized, both parties sign and each is given a copy of the paperwork. No court appearances are necessary.

For the individual who is not being represented by a lawyer, you can have a "coach" available to look over the paperwork and make sure everything is in order. They can inform you of your options and ask pertinent questions to make sure you are getting everything you need out of the divorce. This way you should not feel taken advantage of.

While uncontested divorces are the least expensive method of divorce, the cost can vary quite widely. Some lawyers charge as much as $1,200, while others as low as $90. Keep in mind that the cheaper amount you pay, the less personalized attention you will receive. Those attorneys charging minuscule amounts have a very high client load which is why they can afford to charge so little. So be prepared to wait. If large amounts of money, significant assets, or children are involved, some may charge an additional fee.

 Each state has certain requirements that must be met, so get informed as to what you will need to do to get the process started.

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